Saturday, May 7, 2011

Long Time No Write

A month.  It has been One Whole Month since I was last here.  So much for my good intentions to post frequently!  I think I lost my focus...  Well, actually, I've sort of been on vacation, and life just isn't normal on vacation.  Not that my life is normal by most standards.  Sometimes I wish for more "normalcy", but that just doesn't seem to be the path that my life is taking.

So what have I been doing these past 30 days?  Well, I've been eating anything and everything, and it's time to stop.  I haven't been taking walks regularly like I should, so it's time to start.  I've done a bit of hand sewing, which was fun, and I intend to do some more.

My man-cub is the sweetest thing ever and drives me crazy sometimes.  Love him so much!  He wants to walk, no run, but isn't quite ready yet.  He can really zoom around in his walker, and he's a speed-crawler.  He follows me around everywhere, and he panics if I leave the room and he can't see me.  In fact, earlier today I ran upstairs to do something super-quickly, and when I turned around he was nearly halfway up the stairs!   Of course, he can leave the room anytime he wants, but not me

My man didn't come on this trip with me, and of course I'm missing him more than words can say.  We talk every day, but it's just not the same as really being there.  Reunions are a wonderful thing, though, no matter how long the separation.  Even if it's only a matter of hours.  And I'm looking forward to wonderful!

I've been mulling over a post since before Easter, but haven't given it serious thought lately.  I need to take some time to focus on that so I can get it put down here.

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